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NOOK® for Windows 8 FAQs. Minimum Requirements. The NOOK app supports the import of ePub and PDF file into your Library from 'My PC' and SkyDrive. However, it does not support opening or importing files that have security or DRM associated with them. Tap or click on the location where you want your note to be referenced; Next, tap. Turn Your iPhone Phone or Tablet Tablet or PC Phone, Tablet, or PC Into a Book Read anytime, anywhere with the Free NOOK Reading App. Get the Free App. Get the Free App. Create a shortcut to Shop NOOK on your smart phone or tablet for easy access to popular lists and handpicked collections of books, magazines, and more.

Nook - The Technical Side > Nook App won't work on Windows 10

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So I don't know if this is the right place or not , you can let me know, but I thought to let you know just in case. So my sister got a new laptop and it she let me download the nook app so that way I can read my nook books if something ever happened to my Apple 64GB iPad, so anyway it was working great until today, and the reason is she update her Windows 8 to the new Windows 10, if you have the nook app on you laptop your find out that it cuts off half of the page, and no matter how you to fix it though the app like you can it won't work, so like I said if you have the nook app on your laptop and it works fine on Windows 8 that's great but it won't work on Windows 10 at all.

Go to the windows store and download the free nook app there.

message 3: by Elizabeth (last edited Aug 03, 2015 02:56AM) (new)

She wrote: 'Go to the windows store and download the free nook app there.'
Thinks for reply ,and that 's the one I'm actually talking about ,tried it last night again but the same thing still happens.sent a message to Barnes &noble but they haven't gotten back yet.

you can rate the app in the google store. You can also see other people's comments in their rating. Sometimes a update doesn't go well, and you can tell by the comments

Missyb wrote: 'you can rate the app in the google store. You can also see other people's comments in their rating. Sometimes a update doesn't go well, and you can tell by the comments'
Thinks ,I'll have to do that.

I just downloaded Windows 10 and so far I'm not impressed. I haven't tried any of the new apps yet, but I have had Nook for PC on my laptop for a long time and it still works.

Carlissa wrote: 'I just downloaded Windows 10 and so far I'm not impressed. I haven't tried any of the new apps yet, but I have had Nook for PC on my laptop for a long time and it still works.'
I'm with you on Windows 10 , it seem like every time I go to look something up a stupid web programming code keeps coming up like Windows 10 isn't done being programed

message 8: by Steve (last edited Sep 04, 2015 08:47PM) (new)

The Nook app does not work with Windows 10. Barnes & Noble is aware of this but does not acknowledge publicly. Windows 10 was released in October 2014 as a beta and was available then for developers. Barnes & Noble did nothing since then to fix compatibility issues illustrating the value of the Windows 10 audience to their business. When cancelling a subscription to a magazine since it doesn't work their 'Technical Support' blamed me because I did not divine that their app did not work even though it is advertised as working on their web site. They claim they are working on a revised version, too late for this ex-customer.

One can look forward for free nook alternatives also

I have a new laptop with Windows 10 and the nook app works very well, nice alternative to the Read Instantly feature of the web site that came and went (and then came and went again).
It is very similar to the nook app I have on my phone but of course more readable. If in doubt I would uninstall and reinstall.

Well, I, too, have a brand new laptop with Windows 10 and the Nook app doesn't work. It pretends to work. I can see all my books but I cannot open them up to read them.

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