Ea Origin Download Game To Second Drive

Learn How to Buy Games for Cheap from Origin's Mexico Store. Follow this Step by Step Guide. Today almost all EA games are released on Origin and available through its online store. Show Origin already installed games? (self.origin) submitted 3 years ago by SSJStarwind16 Same as Username. I keep my games on a separate drive from my OS. Do I really need to re-download and re-install my origin games again? Steam, Battle.Net and GOG Galaxy have the ability to scan and recognize games in the folders/libraries I point them.


Ea Origin Help

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Ea Origin Download


Ea Games Download

  • 1
  • you can pick either digital or disc or both.

    Thanks! But how do I do that?
  • edited July 2015
    if you want to do digital just install origin on the new computer login into the origin acct with sims and go under my games to install. the disc part sorry is a bit fuzzy for me ive only done digital i would again install origin login and then put in discs and then follow its commands.
  • edited July 2015
    Good luck with that. I have the disk version and just updated my whole pc - so I tried to install it using the disk but when it got to asking the code - I put it in and it said that code was already used. It gave me no choice but click on the one in my library at origin that then installed the digital version. When they say that code is one time only - they mean one time period apparently.
    Then once the game was installed and they update it - then you click on the info on the game and it opens up a panel with all the games made thus far for Sims 4 - if it has a plus on it - it means you have not bought that yet - don't click it or it will allow you to buy it - the ones you own already you click and it installs each one - it did not accept any other disk. I just went through this in the last 2 weeks.
    I also have Sims 2 and Sims 3 and they installed the same exact way - and would not use the disks and code. It said I already owned those games and did I want to reinstall them from my library. I had no choice seeing it said my codes were used already. Origin turned all my Sims into digital.

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • edited July 2015
    Good luck with that. I have the disk version and just updated my whole pc - so I tried to install it using the disk but when it got to asking the code - I put it in and it said that code was already used. It gave me no choice but click on the one in my library at origin that then installed the digital version. When they say that code is one time only - they mean one time period apparently.
    Then once the game was installed and they update it - then you click on the info on the game and it opens up a panel with all the games made thus far for Sims 4 - if it has a plus on it - it means you have not bought that yet - don't click it or it will allow you to buy it - the ones you own already you click and it installs each one - it did not accept any other disk. I just went through this in the last 2 weeks.
    I also have Sims 2 and Sims 3 and they installed the same exact way - and would not use the disks and code. Origin turned all my Sims into digital.
    did you have origin installed before adding the discs and were you logged in?
    in theory the disc should work for more than one computer @marioXtremo if my guess doesnt help do contact customer service and ask them the official steps. Ea/origin can act like you need the digital file but the disc should work and it should work on more than one computer using the same origin acct. sorry i just dont have the ability to test it myself.
  • edited July 2015
    Yes. I installed Origin first - i knew better than not do that.
    Back at Christmas it worked as normal - so they changed things. But I can install from my library on other pcs but you have to put in the code before it will install - and the codes are now only put in the first time and stay forever apparently. But it refused my code saying it had been used already and that I already own that game to go to my library and install it.
    But back at Christmas I had gotten a new drive to temp hold me over until i could rebuild my system - and had reinstalled all my games as i always had done. That no longer works like that now. They truly now make you games permanently associated with your account and the code that goes with them stays in your name. Just never lose your sign in or you will lose your games as the code will be on the original account.

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • edited July 2015
    Yes. I installed Origin first - i knew better than not do that.

    just wanted to confirm
    and were you logged in before installing. its possible this was also needed again just trying to figure out the steps since the disc is not a one time use item
  • edited July 2015
    Yes. I was logged in. No they have never been a one time item - i pre-ordered every one my disks as they came out (they were all the originals) - but now they are and they are also associated with just that one account period.
    Like i said it was the way it had always been back right after Christmas - but apparently one of the Origin upgrades changes things - I will bet it is so they can never be sold and used by someone else.

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • Good luck with that. I have the disk version and just updated my whole pc - so I tried to install it using the disk but when it got to asking the code - I put it in and it said that code was already used. It gave me no choice but click on the one in my library at origin that then installed the digital version. When they say that code is one time only - they mean one time period apparently.
    Then once the game was installed and they update it - then you click on the info on the game and it opens up a panel with all the games made thus far for Sims 4 - if it has a plus on it - it means you have not bought that yet - don't click it or it will allow you to buy it - the ones you own already you click and it installs each one - it did not accept any other disk. I just went through this in the last 2 weeks.
    I also have Sims 2 and Sims 3 and they installed the same exact way - and would not use the disks and code. Origin turned all my Sims into digital.
    did you have origin installed before adding the discs and were you logged in?
    in theory the disc should work for more than one computer @marioXtremo if my guess doesnt help do contact customer service and ask them the official steps. Ea/origin can act like you need the digital file but the disc should work and it should work on more than one computer using the same origin acct. sorry i just dont have the ability to test it myself.

    Yeah, I thought it was five computers...
    Well, I'll see tomorrow, I'm about to go to sleep.
    Thank you guys!
  • edited July 2015
    I can put my game on any number of pcs belonging to me I want - it says for my convenience - there is no limit that I can see - i just have to install it from my library apparently. It used to be up to 5 computers. Believe me, it was not like it is now, before. Christmas time i reinstalled everything using the disks - and code and everything - but no longer.
    Makes me wonder if people who suddenly no longer have any internet if they can still install the Sims 3 - if it will take the code then. I mean it all plays fine and everything - but i have never not used my disks in Sims 3 to install before and now it won't let me. I wonder if someone totally disconnects from the net - maybe then they can use the disks - i am not sure though - seeing I just wanted all my games back in here and get it done with. I had to install everything - my operating system - everythig so by then I was just plumb tired of installing things to start trying to argue with chat over it all or fight my new pc. It has been a good long while since I was able to have a super computer - so i just wanted to get on with it. LOL.
    Normally though i would have been raising Hades over things like that or looking into it - but i admit i just caved and did what they said i had to do to install and get it done with. LOL.

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • edited July 2015
    Geez, apart from ceejay's first answer, everything else would confuse perhaps even EA staff.
    You bought a brand new PC?
    Do you still have the old PC by your side and external HDD? Cmon, external HDDs are cheaper than stuffpack nowadays... Well... Almost...
    1. If no, skip to point #2.
    - Copy all Origin Games on external HDD from your old PC
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - Copy games from external HDD to your new PC in the folder used for Origin games, you can see it here in Origin client:
    - For each game you transferred, press 'install' button inside Origin client
    - Origin will detect there are files already on your HDD, will just verify files and patch if necessary
    Superfast and no need to wait for ages till games unpack from CDs or download over internet.
    Done? Off to point #3.
    2. Sadly, it won't be so fast as point #1.
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - If you have physical CDs/DVDs, use them to install games! Installing from CD/DVD is usually faster than downloading the whole game (or DLC), unless you're on some 1TB Mbps link. Installations will lead your way, but it's mostly enter the installation key from the box, then next, next, ..., finish. If you receive a message that the key was already used, abort the installation, go offline (disconnect from internet) and run the installation again.
    - If you don't have physical CD/DVD, or that particular software refuses to install without internet connection but yelled 'already used key', you have to download it and install it by pressing 'install' button on the game (or DLC) inside Origin client.
    - It doesn't matter what's the source, optical media or download, Origin doesn't care, it's all good.
    3. Some mention some license copies, 5 max, something about freeing a spot to install...
    - Just forgeddit. You're good to go without thinking about that. If for some reason games refuse to run, quickly post in Technical Section.
    You insert_something_that'd_be_censored!!! So everyone learns you got a new PC before me. Why thank you!
    Seriously, what hardware? Can you please post specs (hit windows key + R, enter dxdiag then press ok, post names of processor and display device, also amount of RAM)? Does it have SSD inside? Man, I'm so happy about you.
    Achievements? Achievements! | Junkbarbarian's guide: Killing with anger |
  • Awesome @JoxerTM22!!
    And the only thing I would caution anyone doing is moving programming files. Corruption can happen if you don't do a clean install. If you are hard drive/ windows savvy then you don't need me to tell you the risk and you would know how to handle it
    Step 2 would be the one I would encourage most players to try since it shouldn't have any potential for registry corruption
    As for licenses I would need to track down what I learned at release heres what I can kinda recall: the disc for 4 has the same security/ authorization requirement unlike with 3 so if I'm recalling correctly its limitless like digital copy. Or maybe they have limited both but with a higher number then 5.
  • Good luck with that. I have the disk version and just updated my whole pc - so I tried to install it using the disk but when it got to asking the code - I put it in and it said that code was already used. It gave me no choice but click on the one in my library at origin that then installed the digital version. When they say that code is one time only - they mean one time period apparently.
    Then once the game was installed and they update it - then you click on the info on the game and it opens up a panel with all the games made thus far for Sims 4 - if it has a plus on it - it means you have not bought that yet - don't click it or it will allow you to buy it - the ones you own already you click and it installs each one - it did not accept any other disk. I just went through this in the last 2 weeks.
    I also have Sims 2 and Sims 3 and they installed the same exact way - and would not use the disks and code. It said I already owned those games and did I want to reinstall them from my library. I had no choice seeing it said my codes were used already. Origin turned all my Sims into digital.

    Do you have Sims 2 Ultimate? If so, that was always digital. I have the Sims 2 Store Edition installed on my current computer, but on my next computer I'll just use the disks for Sims 2 since the registration for the disks is disabled anyway since it is such an old game and the game does not require registration or activation to play. Besides, the Sims 2 Store Edition has a problem when trying to play the fraternity in Sim State University - regardless of which main neighborhood this subneighborhood is in.
  • Sort of the same point well close. How can I play sims4 with no internet connection so no origin??? My disk drive doesn't work either so I can't put my disk in.
  • Sort of the same point well close. How can I play sims4 with no internet connection so no origin??? My disk drive doesn't work either so I can't put my disk in.

    You can play offline, but you cannot activate the game. So if it isn't already installed/activated, you can't play. If it is installed/activated, you can play but will not have access to the gallery. This is true for digital and physical copies.
  • Activate and play isn't that the same thing????
    yesterday our internet went off and I couldn't remember how to play with no net and no disk?? I know my game is in my computer but how do I find it and turn it on????
  • edited July 2015
    Activate and play isn't that the same thing????
    yesterday our internet went off and I couldn't remember how to play with no net and no disk?? I know my game is in my computer but how do I find it and turn it on????

    Sorry, I may have confused you. If you already had the game on your computer (you've played it before, have not uninstalled it), you CAN play without internet. You should be able to open Origin in offline mode and play, just without gallery access. Have you tried running the game? If you have windows go to your start menu (bottom right hand corner) and just type 'sims' -- you should be able to see your icon from there and open it to run it.
  • install origin on your pc, go to your library and find sims 4. Install it from there.
  • Activate and play isn't that the same thing????
    yesterday our internet went off and I couldn't remember how to play with no net and no disk?? I know my game is in my computer but how do I find it and turn it on????

    Sorry, I may have confused you. If you already had the game on your computer (you've played it before, have not uninstalled it), you CAN play without internet. You should be able to open Origin in offline mode and play, just without gallery access. Have you tried running the game? If you have windows go to your start menu (bottom right hand corner) and just type 'sims' -- you should be able to see your icon from there and open it to run it.

    Thank you for your help.
  • There's also a new installation method.
    Use your old PC and transfer its documents + game files to a usb stick (might want a 16gb usb stick here) and then plug it into your PC, install it and enjoy

    My blog: ning's backlog
    Don't forget the forum rules are on the forum- go find 'em!
  • Geez, apart from ceejay's first answer, everything else would confuse perhaps even EA staff.
    You bought a brand new PC?
    Do you still have the old PC by your side and external HDD? Cmon, external HDDs are cheaper than stuffpack nowadays... Well... Almost...
    1. If no, skip to point #2.
    - Copy all Origin Games on external HDD from your old PC
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - Copy games from external HDD to your new PC in the folder used for Origin games, you can see it here in Origin client:
    - For each game you transferred, press 'install' button inside Origin client
    - Origin will detect there are files already on your HDD, will just verify files and patch if necessary
    Superfast and no need to wait for ages till games unpack from CDs or download over internet.
    Done? Off to point #3.
    2. Sadly, it won't be so fast as point #1.
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - If you have physical CDs/DVDs, use them to install games! Installing from CD/DVD is usually faster than downloading the whole game (or DLC), unless you're on some 1TB Mbps link. Installations will lead your way, but it's mostly enter the installation key from the box, then next, next, ..., finish. If you receive a message that the key was already used, abort the installation, go offline (disconnect from internet) and run the installation again.
    - If you don't have physical CD/DVD, or that particular software refuses to install without internet connection but yelled 'already used key', you have to download it and install it by pressing 'install' button on the game (or DLC) inside Origin client.
    - It doesn't matter what's the source, optical media or download, Origin doesn't care, it's all good.
    3. Some mention some license copies, 5 max, something about freeing a spot to install...
    - Just forgeddit. You're good to go without thinking about that. If for some reason games refuse to run, quickly post in Technical Section.
    You insert_something_that'd_be_censored!!! So everyone learns you got a new PC before me. Why thank you!
    Seriously, what hardware? Can you please post specs (hit windows key + R, enter dxdiag then press ok, post names of processor and display device, also amount of RAM)? Does it have SSD inside? Man, I'm so happy about you.

    Thank you so much! This was pretty detailed!
    It's not brand new because the one with the specs I wantedn would be REALLY expensive, I wanted a 'gaming PC' I guess... I got it from a technician who basically build it for me and it was incredibly cheap for what it is!
    Here are the specs:
    Processor: Intel Xeon CPU E5530 @ 2.40 GHz (8 CPUs)
    HDD Space: 1.5 TB
    RAM: 12 GB (12288 MB)
    Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series 2 GB (Although it says 4095 MB in the dxdiag thing...).
    So yeah!
  • There's also a new installation method.
    Use your old PC and transfer its documents + game files to a usb stick (might want a 16gb usb stick here) and then plug it into your PC, install it and enjoy

    I did, on a DVD, but will that install the game? o.O
  • There's also a new installation method.
    Use your old PC and transfer its documents + game files to a usb stick (might want a 16gb usb stick here) and then plug it into your PC, install it and enjoy

    I did, on a DVD, but will that install the game? o.O

    Yes it will.
    A dvd, external hard drive & usb stick should all work.
    I only said usb because you can get them really cheap and easy to use.

    My blog: ning's backlog
    Don't forget the forum rules are on the forum- go find 'em!
  • Geez, apart from ceejay's first answer, everything else would confuse perhaps even EA staff.
    You bought a brand new PC?
    Do you still have the old PC by your side and external HDD? Cmon, external HDDs are cheaper than stuffpack nowadays... Well... Almost...
    1. If no, skip to point #2.
    - Copy all Origin Games on external HDD from your old PC
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - Copy games from external HDD to your new PC in the folder used for Origin games, you can see it here in Origin client:
    - For each game you transferred, press 'install' button inside Origin client
    - Origin will detect there are files already on your HDD, will just verify files and patch if necessary
    Superfast and no need to wait for ages till games unpack from CDs or download over internet.
    Done? Off to point #3.
    2. Sadly, it won't be so fast as point #1.
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - If you have physical CDs/DVDs, use them to install games! Installing from CD/DVD is usually faster than downloading the whole game (or DLC), unless you're on some 1TB Mbps link. Installations will lead your way, but it's mostly enter the installation key from the box, then next, next, ..., finish. If you receive a message that the key was already used, abort the installation, go offline (disconnect from internet) and run the installation again.
    - If you don't have physical CD/DVD, or that particular software refuses to install without internet connection but yelled 'already used key', you have to download it and install it by pressing 'install' button on the game (or DLC) inside Origin client.
    - It doesn't matter what's the source, optical media or download, Origin doesn't care, it's all good.
    3. Some mention some license copies, 5 max, something about freeing a spot to install...
    - Just forgeddit. You're good to go without thinking about that. If for some reason games refuse to run, quickly post in Technical Section.
    You insert_something_that'd_be_censored!!! So everyone learns you got a new PC before me. Why thank you!
    Seriously, what hardware? Can you please post specs (hit windows key + R, enter dxdiag then press ok, post names of processor and display device, also amount of RAM)? Does it have SSD inside? Man, I'm so happy about you.

    Thank you so much for this. I was planning to do Step 1 (or option 1) when I get my new laptop.
  • Geez, apart from ceejay's first answer, everything else would confuse perhaps even EA staff.
    You bought a brand new PC?
    Do you still have the old PC by your side and external HDD? Cmon, external HDDs are cheaper than stuffpack nowadays... Well... Almost...
    1. If no, skip to point #2.
    - Copy all Origin Games on external HDD from your old PC
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - Copy games from external HDD to your new PC in the folder used for Origin games, you can see it here in Origin client:
    - For each game you transferred, press 'install' button inside Origin client
    - Origin will detect there are files already on your HDD, will just verify files and patch if necessary
    Superfast and no need to wait for ages till games unpack from CDs or download over internet.
    Done? Off to point #3.
    2. Sadly, it won't be so fast as point #1.
    - Download and install Origin on your new PC, log onto it
    - If you have physical CDs/DVDs, use them to install games! Installing from CD/DVD is usually faster than downloading the whole game (or DLC), unless you're on some 1TB Mbps link. Installations will lead your way, but it's mostly enter the installation key from the box, then next, next, ..., finish. If you receive a message that the key was already used, abort the installation, go offline (disconnect from internet) and run the installation again.
    - If you don't have physical CD/DVD, or that particular software refuses to install without internet connection but yelled 'already used key', you have to download it and install it by pressing 'install' button on the game (or DLC) inside Origin client.
    - It doesn't matter what's the source, optical media or download, Origin doesn't care, it's all good.
    3. Some mention some license copies, 5 max, something about freeing a spot to install...
    - Just forgeddit. You're good to go without thinking about that. If for some reason games refuse to run, quickly post in Technical Section.
    You insert_something_that'd_be_censored!!! So everyone learns you got a new PC before me. Why thank you!
    Seriously, what hardware? Can you please post specs (hit windows key + R, enter dxdiag then press ok, post names of processor and display device, also amount of RAM)? Does it have SSD inside? Man, I'm so happy about you.

    Thank you so much for this. I was planning to do Step 1 (or option 1) when I get my new laptop.

    please please please do step 2 unless you are fully aware of the potential registry corruption. the standard is to do a clean install of programs