Xbox One Controller Driver Deadly Premonition Pc

You could get around it with a wired XBox One controller by changing the driver to the 360 one, but you can't do it with wireless. Basically started looking into this today myself as I was building a PC for the living room and it's hard to do now. Nice easy one here, you just need to download the drivers for your PC to recognise the pad

I just got an xbox one controller w/ wireless adapter to use on my PC and replace my old wired 360 controller for gaming. The dongle connects to my PC (Lenovo Y50 w/ Windows 10) and the drivers seem to install successfully and the adapter shows up in my devices.

Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut(15 posts)(15 posts)
(15 posts)
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From Malaysia
Hi there, just bought this game on recent promo. Wanted to play it so bad since i watched the LP on Youtube some years ago.
Now that i own a copy sadly i can't seem to get my 360 pad working properly. Applying DPfix, patch 1.01 didn't do the trick. Whilst running the game under Windows 98/ME compatibility remedied the issue but at the same time the frame rate would dip below 20 fps even with multi-core enabled making the game totally unplayable once you reach the town.
So i am curious is anybody can get the game working perfectly out-of-box? Or is my issue above is rare?
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From Malaysia
Some description, the game detected my 360 pad. The analog and d-pad movement did register, but there's very huge delay. I have to hold down the d-pad at one direction for few seconds and even with that it barely registered on the game. York can turn, but still can't move. I think there's compatibility problem between the game and NVIDIA driver. Lowering maximum-pre rendered frames under NVIDIA Control Panel show very slight improvement but still unplayable. DPfix seems to introduce artifacts on my desktop after exiting the game, have to remove it as i fear it could make my system unstable. However this is not surprising considering as DPfix isn't stable by any mean, it's still a work in progress.
In the meantime it looks like i have to play the game with keyboard + mouse. Cumbersome but better than nothing as i already bought and wanted to play the game.
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From Germany
wormholewizards: Hi there, just bought this game on recent promo. Wanted to play it so bad since i watched the LP on Youtube some years ago.
Now that i own a copy sadly i can't seem to get my 360 pad working properly. Applying DPfix, patch 1.01 didn't do the trick. Whilst running the game under Windows 98/ME compatibility remedied the issue but at the same time the frame rate would dip below 20 fps even with multi-core enabled making the game totally unplayable once you reach the town.
So i am curious is anybody can get the game working perfectly out-of-box? Or is my issue above is rare?
I can confirm this issue. Same behaviour as you described with an Xbox controller on Windows 8.1 64bit. Also nVIDIA graphics.
I will try the compatibility settings.

Deadly Premonition Xbox 360 Digital

Indeed, the 'Windows 98/ME' compatibility setting does solve the controller issue but I get single digit FPS (down to roughly 1 FPS on occasion) with that enabled. Also tried using Xpadder: Did not work.
Post edited June 20, 2014 by HiMyNameIsBob
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From France
Alright, I, uh, 'jury-rigged' a solution for that. I'll consider you're using an Xbox 360 controller.
So, first thing is to download DPfix, if that's not already done. I took the 0.9.1 version, since the last one messes with the light sources for me.
Second thing is to download something to play with a controller without using the game's controller support. I personnaly use Joytokey, since it's free. Here's my profile for the game, put it in the same folder as the software :!4JRHgBaR!5CWCkv6NM397Q9QOg5nr6r0ABndXwuTF9QwBEeMVpqo
Now, open your game folder and go in the dpfix folder. You'll have a tex_override folder in it. Copy this picture in the file :!ZMgA0LAa!s-n0AM-NACwHeEtYB3mI9s08uBFb_BbckiBBotAL5nY.
The picture will replace the PC keyboard prompts with Xbox controller prompts. Notice that the 'Fire' prompt, when aiming a gun, is actually wrong when using my profile. This is because you can't use both triggers at the same time with Joytokey. Just use X to fire. I use the right trigger to move forward when in a car, it's bound to W. I suppose moving forward is also not represented correctly when in a car, but that should be the only two wrong prompts. If you're using a better software that allows you to use both triggers at the same time, you'll probably have a correct profile, so that's irrelevant to your case.
Now, go into the dsfix.ini in the game folder, look for the line 'enableTextureOverride' and put it to 1. Also, put the 'disableJoystick' line to 0.
Voilà, you're done. Enjoy your game with a controller that works and QTE that won't mess with your head. ^^
Post edited September 02, 2014 by FuryMGS3
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From United Kingdom
Same problem here, but my graphics card is an ATI, and I'm rocking 32-bit Vista (yay)
My Xbox 360 pad (wired variety) is recognised, and works fine on the launcher, but in-game is a different matter entirely. The face buttons work, but the dpad and sticks are ridiculously unresponsive in the front-end menus and in-game. Jab a direction repeatedly over the course of several seconds, and the menu item might change. Sometimes.
[cut a lengthy rant about this game originally being an Xbox 360 game that - by definition - worked perfectly with an Xbox 360 pad, and it beggaring belief that Version 3 of the game doesn't]
So ... question: I see reviews of this game here on GOG claiming that joypad controls DO work. If so, then what kind of joypad does the game support properly, out of the box? PlayStation pads? Generic PC USB game-pads? The game must've been tested with some kind of pad that actually worked. Can someone please name a PC pad that works with this game without any shenanigans or workarounds?
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From Russian Federation
Gamepad supports works on pre Windows 8, Win 8 just screwed a lot of old windows APIs and DP uses not a moder xinput, but very antient WinMM Api which was there for joysticks even before direct input and Win 8 screwed it.
Use windows 7, for about next 5-10 years it would be still a primary OS, until MS will stop scewing compatiblity and remove apis and add forced features nobody really needs. Win 10 is just a Win 8 Service pack 2 renamed for commercial reasons, not such a big improvement, Win 7 still better.
Devs of this game however should patch it for proper xinput support. I wonder how that even happened that they changed if for WinMM if xinput works both on 360 and PC and they had it on 360 before?
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From Canada
I am running Windows 7, and have this same issue. The strange part is that using the advice above (DPFix + Windows 98/ME compatibility mode), the game worked fine up until two days ago. Now all of a sudden the analog and directional inputs aren't working properly. The rest of the buttons work fine. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the controller, to no effect. I don't understand what has happened, or why.
After messing around with compatibility settings and restarting my computer, it's working again. Not sure what I did if anything, but at least I can play again.
Post edited April 11, 2015 by torvuseremita
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From Hong Kong
So is there no way to get an Xbox style pad to work with this game?
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From Canada
neonbible: So is there no way to get an Xbox style pad to work with this game?
I'm using an Xbox 360 controller with the game, and it works. You will most likely need to set compatibility mode to Windows 98/ME to overcome the input lag however.
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From Hong Kong
neonbible: So is there no way to get an Xbox style pad to work with this game?
torvuseremita: I'm using an Xbox 360 controller with the game, and it works. You will most likely need to set compatibility mode to Windows 98/ME to overcome the input lag however. Don't have input lag but I can't seem to move the view when in aiming mode. None of the sticks or Dpad works.
Which driver do you use?
Actually I should add that I am using the original Xbox (3rd party) controller. After some googling, looks lke 360 ones have a native driver and should just work. I am using XBCD driver.Controller
Post edited April 25, 2015 by neonbible
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From Canada
neonbible: Don't have input lag but I can't seem to move the view when in aiming mode. None of the sticks or Dpad works.
Which driver do you use?
Actually I should add that I am using the original Xbox (3rd party) controller. After some googling, looks lke 360 ones have a native driver and should just work. I am using XBCD driver.

Xbox One Controller Pc Driver

Unfortunately yeah, the Xbox 360 controller is plug-and-play. I'm using a licensed third-party controller, an Afterglow specifically. I was able to get it for $30 CAD, which is quite a bit nicer than the $55 they wanted for the wired Microsoft brand controller. I've never had any problems with it, and would recommend it if you want to save a little money.
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From Hong Kong
Got an Xbox 360 controller now and it works in DP. Awesome!
Thanks for the info.
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From United States
Whelp, I'm having the issue you guys are having and tried to click the links for the downloads and found everything else is gone, hell even the dpfix on that kungfucircus is missing. I just wanna play my game I bought! I hope they fix this issue soon.
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From United States
You can get DPfx from the metaclassofnil blog (I believe he is the same guy who wrote DSfix as well). That said it won't ever be fixed this game is final and authored and the people who were contracted out to do the code have finished their contract and no support is offered.
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From Malaysia
Hi there.. a work around for this issue:
1. Use XBOX 360 Controller.
The game support this gamepad natively. Hassle-free and no additional troubleshooting required. Simply plug & play. Though I am not sure about Xbox One Controller, never tried it myself.
2.Use Dual Shock 4 Controller + DS4Windows by ryochan7 in Exclusive Mode
- Download ryochan7 DS4Windows
- Under DS4Windows -> Settings -> Tick 'Hide DS4 Controller' to ensure DS4Windows is running in Exclusive mode
- Double check whether DS4Windows is running in exclusive mode on DS4Windows Log tab. There should be 'Using Exclusive Mode' line there.
- If unable to run in Exclusive Mode make sure to exit any application that might intercept Xinput or DirectInput (such as Steam, GOG galaxy, Epic launcher etc.)
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Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut(15 posts)(15 posts)
(15 posts)
Deadly Premonition, the survival horror cult favorite from developer Access Games, is getting a special edition re-release more than five years after its initial launch, publishers Rising Star Games and NIS America announced this week.

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut – Classified Edition includes a retail copy of the expanded PlayStation 3 version of the game, along with a collection of bonus material aimed at its hardcore fanbase.

Released in 2010 for the Xbox 360, Deadly Premonition is an open-world adventure game heavily influenced by David Lynch’s television series Twin Peaks. The game stars an off-kilter FBI agent who is sent to a small town to investigate the mysterious, ritualistic murder of a young woman.

Deadly Premonition 2


Despite its uneven presentation quality and awkward gameplay, Deadly Premonition won many fans for its memorable characters and twisting narrative. Gameplay takes frequent, unexpected turns, giving Deadly Premonition a lasting charm that outshines its mechanical failings.

A reworked version, Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut, later premiered for the PlayStation 3 and PC platforms, fixing many of the game’s control-related issues and adding new story sequences. The Director’s Cut serves as the basis for NIS America’s upcoming Classified Edition.

Deadly Premonition Xbox 360

Along with a disc copy of Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut for the PlayStation 3, Classified Edition includes a 25-song CD soundtrack, a hardcover art book, and a set of themed Bicycle-brand playing cards. The package also includes a digital code redeemable for all previously released DLC.

Director “Swery65” followed up on Deadly Premonition with D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die, a similarly-themed adventure game designed for the Xbox One’s Kinect peripheral. A retooled PC version with controller support premiered earlier this year.

Xbox One Controller Driver Mac

Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut – Classified Edition is priced at $50. Manufacturer NIS America is accepting pre-orders up until the package’s official release on November 24.

Deadly Premonition Pc

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